Lewis's Arcade Collection
My current playable arcade (currently stored in the warehouse at my job):

Sorry, this picture is slighly out of date... TRON, Spiderman, Tempest and Lunar Lander are sold! 'Robotron' is fitted with Clay Cowgill's Multigame kit. Not pictured here: Mousin' Around pinball & my personal MAME box, in a Centipede cabinet (at my house), Slick Chick (out being repaired), Doctor Who pinball (at my house), and Armor Attack, which houses my ZVG Vector MAME system.
The Lunar Lander has been SOLD! Here's a movie of me playing it... CLICK HERE
And here's pictures of it being packed up! CLICK HERE
MAME Cabinets:
(120 classic vertical games in a box!)
1st (personal) one - Centipede cabinet
2nd one - generic JAMMA cabinet
3rd one - QIX cabinet
4th one - Mario Bros cabinet
5th one - Street Fighter II cabinet
6th one - Pleiades cabinet
7th one - Gyruss cocktail cabinet
8th one - Stargate cabinet
9th one - Mortal Kombat 2 cabinet
10th one - Mortal Kombat 2 cabinet
11th one - Tekken 2 cabinet
Restoration projects:
Gottlieb 'Spirit of '76' restoration
12/26/03 Rescued from a dusty old warehouse. Every plastic is broken!
1/21/04 Cleaning up playfield... the new plastic set really helps.
1/29/04 Cleaned inserts and replaced bumper bodies. Looks good enough to play! But it can't. Still gotta deal with the relays...
3/12/04 Got it back from Mike Cousins, working great! Repro'd center plastic and it's ready to go.
Williams 'Pinbot' restoration (current)
10/26/03 Oh no! Looks like it was stored outside!
but look... the playfield was factory mylared. It's better than my 'good' Pinbot...& the (flat) plastics are all intact!
11/22/03 - 12 chips later, MPU, sound board, and displays are alive!
12/17/03 - Hours and hours of cleaning later, the playfield is starting to look better than my 'good' Pinbot.
3/14/04 - Finally did something on this project - picked up a new cabinet and backbox in Tallahassee.
3/16/04 - After patching and painting it, I put the new cabinet together and prepared to transfer all the guts.
3/18/04 - Almost finished. The wiring harness was a lot of fun to transfer lemme tell you.
3/19/04 - Wow what an improvement! Still have to do the bottom of the playfield though.
Gottlieb 'Slick Chick' restoration (still ongoing)
1/18/02 - 'fresh' off of ebay. Nasty!
1/19/02 - playfield teardown. Under the grime, beautiful paint!
1/20/02 - Rotten looking cabinet too. That's gotta be dealt with...
2/24/02 - repaint bottom cabinet (it was too far gone not to)
4/11/02 - lots of electrical work still to do, incl. replacing two missing relays.
3/31/06 - Still haven't had time to finish this project!
Centuri 'Phoenix' restoration
found on side of road 6/27/03! - Before and After (9/24/03)
Games I've Owned and when...
Williams Pinbot (2000-2019)
Williams High Speed (2000-2001)
Williams Firepower (2000-2001)
Stern Flight 2000 (2001)
Williams Robotron (2001-today)
Bally Mousin' Around (2001-today)
Midway Super Pacman (2001-2002)
Nintendo Donkey Kong (2001)
Gottlieb Slick Chick (2001-today)
Midway Ms. Pacman (2001-2006)
Midway Spy Hunter (2002-2004)
Centuri Gyruss (2002-2003)
Cinematronics War of the Worlds (2003)
Cinematronics Star Castle (2003-today)
Atari Tempest (2003-today)
Amstar Phoenix (2003)
Nintendo Popeye (2003)
(another) Williams Pinbot (2003-2019)
Gottlieb Spirit of '76 (2003-2005)
Gottlieb Spiderman (2004-2006)
Atari Lunar Lander (2004-2006)
Midway TRON (2004-2005)
Bally Doctor Who (2006-today)
Centuri Pleiades (2006) (MAME'd)
Centuri Gyruss cocktail (2006-2008) (MAME'd)
Cinematronics Armor Attack (2006-today)
Midway Galaga cocktail (2006-2007)
Midway Omega Race cocktail (2007-2017)
Sega Star Trek (2008-2009)
Midway Mortal Kombat 2 (2009)
Midway ANOTHER Mortal Kombat 2 (2009)
Midway Super Pacman (2009)
Bally Centaur (2009)
Incredible Technology Golden Tee (2009)
Bally Capt. Fantastic (2018-today)
Gottlieb Excalibur (2019-2020)
Rock-Ola Nibbler (2021)
Gottlieb Sing Along (2021-2022)
Williams Firepower (2020-today)
Other games I've restored/repaired...
Stern Seawitch (2001)
Stern Stars (2001)
Bally Popeye Saves the Earth (2002)
Williams Star Trek: The Next Generation (2002)
Bally KISS (2003)
Bally Capt. Fantastic (2004)
Bally Space Invaders (pinball) (2006)
Stern Nugent (2008)
Williams Fish Tales (2009)
Bally Twilight Zone (2009)
DISCLAIMER: I collect, restore, and enjoy both pinball and video games. While I consider pinball to be more 'pure', I value both types of coin-op game, and believe a good arcade should cater to both interests!