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In COG We Trust

The Consortium of Genius is either a group of whacko mad scientists who rock...or a rock group made up of a group of whacko mad scientists.  But either way, these guys are good and unique.  I've been watching their videos for years and have admired their creativity and off balance sense of humor, but this is the first time I've listened to a CD.

First let me introduce you to the members of this New Orleans phenomenon. At the head, we have the hair of Dr. Milo T. Pinkerton III (Lewis D'Aubin), then there is Dr. Z (Jim Fairchild, Dr. A (Jeff King), Drumbot (Drumbot) and Lab Girl VI (Liz Streckfus). Besides producing music, they are focused on taking over the WORLD, and that's were this album begins, with the song, "I Have the Power."

The real power of this album is the way it's divergent songs are held together by a spoken narrative between the songs.  Yes, they write all the music and they write the story that ties it all together, making this a really bizarre concept album.  The songs range for insightful (Destroy Old Times), to imitation pop (Reach Out and Touch the Hand), to silly (I'm Not Jealous of the Showerhead).  The musicianship is first class with echoes of many classic songs plainly evident. But above all, "In COG We Trust" is a blast to listen too!

Take a listen to some of the tracks and learn more about The Consortium of Genius by visiting their website at:

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Creature Feature © D. Dyszel 2005

Creature Feature is sponsored by Sounds Fabulous DJ Service
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